California Legislative Leaders Announce Joint Budget Plan Rejecting Proposed Cuts
Yesterday, the Legislative Leadership in the Assembly and Senate announced the Joint Legislative Budget Plan. Thanks to the collective advocacy efforts of SCAG and its partners, the Joint Legislative Budget Plan restores funding for several programs cut under Gov. Gavin Newsom’s January Budget proposal and May Revision.
While still making the tough choices to balance the state’s budget, the Joint Legislative Budget Plan would:
- Reduce proposed cuts to the Regional Early Action Planning program (REAP 2.0) from $300 million to $50 million.
- Protect the Active Transportation Program by rejecting the proposed cuts and shifting the source of funds from the General Fund to the State Highway Account.
- Reject the $148 million cut from the competitive Transit and Intercity Capital Rail Program, but approve delays and fund shifts.
- Approve delays and fund shifts to the formula Transit and Intercity Capital Rail Program and delays an additional $500 million in General Fund.
- Cut $350 million from the Safety Grade Separations program, which eliminates the program.
- Adopt a $235 million reduction to the Infill Infrastructure Grant Program.
- Delay $680 million for the Zero Emission Transit Capital Program.
- Cut $75 million from OPR’s Regional Climate Resilience program and reduce funding for OPR’s Regional Climate Collaboratives by $9.8 million.
- Delay $100 million from Broadband Last Mile Infrastructure Grant program from 2024-25 to 2026-27.
- Proposes $1 billion for Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Round 6 grant funding to support local governments combating the homelessness crisis, a major priority for the Big City Mayor’s Coalition.
Restoring funding to the REAP 2.0 program and protecting funding for the Active Transportation Program align with the goals of Connect SoCal 2024 and are important resources for plan implementation.
If this budget is approved, SCAG staff hope to move forward with significant REAP sub-allocations and will continue engagement to “restart” the program once the budget is finalized. Given that much is possible between now and June 15, SCAG staff are preparing for all scenarios and encouraging partners to continue advocacy.
SCAG will continue to focus our advocacy efforts as the Legislature and Governor’s Office negotiate. SCAG thanks its partners for continued support and collaboration in highlighting transformative projects in the region.