2023 Grouped Projects Detailed Backup Listings (by County)


Grouped Projects IconGrouped Projects are essentially fund reservations that include a list of projects that are grouped by function, work type, and/or geographic area (23 CFR Part 450.324(f)). Usually, grouped projects are for road rehabilitation, safety, or minor improvements that do not add capacity, require air quality conformity determination, or are deemed transportation control measures (TCMs).

Detailed project listing (back-up listing) for a grouped project that is programmed or amended in an FTIP contain individual project information with sufficient description to accurately identify scope, implementing agency, location, limits of the project (if any), program year and the total cost. Total cost of the projects (including funding for all project phases) from the detailed project listing shall be programmed under the “Construction” phase in the FTIP.

The Grouped Projects Detailed Backup Listings (by County) for the 2023 FTIP are below:

Imperial County
Los Angeles County
Orange County
Riverside County
San Bernardino County
Ventura County
Various Counties