The efficient movement of goods is critical to a strong economy and improves quality of life in the SCAG region by providing jobs and access to markets through trade. However, increased volumes of goods moving across the transportation system contribute to greater congestion, safety concerns and harmful emissions.
The Southern California Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment aims to understand goods movement communities and opportunities. While the benefits of goods movement are broadly dispersed in support of our consumption and economic activity, impacts are often concentrated, having disproportionate impacts on certain communities. It is therefore important to ensure that those most impacted are benefiting from the economic opportunities generated by the region’s goods movement industry.
This study looks to improve the ability of communities to capture the economic benefits of goods movement through a closer look at workforce development initiatives. It will focus on public health, workforce development, and communications best practices. Key products include a best practices toolkit for impacted communities, recommendations for impacted communities, literature and existing conditions review around raised issues of concern, and a communications strategy for SCAG goods movement outreach.
Prithvi Deore
Associate Regional Planner
The SoCal Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment looks to:
- Engage the populations of identified communities to understand their views related to goods movement challenges and opportunities.
- Identify goods movement opportunities and how to connect to them.
- Identify burdens related to air quality, traffic and lack of employment.
- Build relationships with disadvantaged, freight impacted and frequently underrepresented communities.
- Prepare, execute and evaluate an innovative communication approach.
- Prepare a toolkit of strategies for the region.
- Select seven (7) communities of interest that are quantifiably disproportionately affected by goods movement activities and/or facilities, satisfy generally accepted criteria for a disadvantaged community, and represent and reflect various geographic areas, causes, and intensities as communities of focus for this effort.
- Pilot and evaluate new communication strategies.
The study is now complete. View the SoCal Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment Report
Download the Southern California Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment Fact Sheet for more information.
Workshop I
SCAG organized a workshop on Jan. 18, 2022, to share plans for the SoCal Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment with stakeholders.
This workshop:
- Introduced the study goals and expected outcomes.
- Provided a forum to discuss potential goods movement opportunities and challenges that affect your community.
- Shared the process of identifying 6-8 communities of focus for this study.
- Announced the next steps in the study and share opportunities to stay engaged.
Workshop Materials
Workshop II
SCAG organized a closing workshop for this project on Sept. 15, 2022, to share findings from the SoCal Goods Movement Communities Opportunities Assessment and collect feedback from participants.
This workshop:
- Reviewed the study purpose and approach.
- Shared findings and feedback from community engagement efforts.
- Included Community Advisory Committee member reflections.
- Discussed next steps and opportunities to engage in planning Connect SoCal 2024.
Workshop Materials