Project-Level Conformity
The Transportation Conformity Working Group (TCWG) serves as the primary forum for interagency consultation on all matters related to both regional and project-level transportation conformity to comply with federal transportation and air quality planning requirements in the six-county SCAG region. The TCWG consists of staff representatives from FHWA, FTA, U.S. EPA, Caltrans Headquarters, Caltrans Districts, CARB, CTCs, air districts, and transit operators in the SCAG region. The group meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Regional Conformity Determinations
Federal approvals of regional transportation conformity determinations for Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)/Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) and amendments from Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transit Administration (FHWA/FTA) may be provided electronically through the California Transportation Improvement Program System database, including federal approval date and federal approval letters. Federal approval letters will continue to be produced for project-level conformity determinations.
Transportation Control Measures
Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) are identified by air quality management plans and implementation plans to reduce emissions or concentrations of air pollutants from transportation sources by reducing vehicle use, changing traffic flow, or congestion conditions. SCAG works closely with the CTCs and Caltrans to ensure timely implementation of committed TCM projects in the region. Substitution of individual TCMs follows the process specified in the federal Clean Air Act (CAA) section 176(c).