What is the Regional Data Platform?
SCAG’s Regional Data Platform (RDP) is an innovative system for collaborative data sharing and planning designed to facilitate better planning at all levels—from cities and counties of all sizes up to the region as a whole.
The RDP puts data and technology in the hands of local jurisdictions to support robust community planning, provides resources to help address shared challenges and aligns with objectives from the Connect SoCal 2024 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, SCAG’s long-term plan for Southern California. As such, the goals of the RDP are to:
- Provide access to data, modern tools and best practices that support stronger planning and information-based decision making at all levels.
- Streamline the exchange of data between jurisdictions and partners across the region while establishing procedures and standards for geospatial data consistency.
- Establish a community of planners, GIS professionals and practitioners to foster collaboration and collective learning, as well as to guide the long-term growth and evolution of the RDP.
Accessing the RDP
The RDP provides access to:
- Modern tools and workflows to streamline local and regional data collection, sharing and integration through the Local Data Exchange portal.
- A streamlined system to request technical assistance from SCAG’s Local Information Services Team.
- Web-based tools and applications to support planning, analysis, and public engagement.
- Authoritative and standardized local and regional planning datasets curated by SCAG.
- An extensive library of learning resources and training materials.
- A growing network of local and regional planners across Southern California.
SCAG empowers local jurisdictions by providing enhanced data, advanced tools, and extensive resources to support stronger and more integrated local planning and a healthier, equitable, safer, and more sustainable region. To access all of the abovementioned tools and resources in the RDP, please visit the RDP portal or click on the button below.
For more information about the RDP, contact:
Local Information Services Team