SCAG’s Sustainability Program works actively with Southern
California communities and stakeholders to create a dynamic
regional growth vision based on the principles of mobility,
livability, prosperity and sustainability. The program’s work
focuses on implementing the region’s Sustainable Communities
Strategy, the state-mandated plan for reducing greenhouse gas
emissions from cars and light trucks through integrated
transportation, land use, housing and environmental planning.
Related Links & Resources
Air Resources
The mission of the Air Resources Board (ARB) is to promote and
protect public health, welfare and ecological resources through
the effective and efficient reduction of air pollutants while
considering the effects on the state’s economy.
Cal-Adapt provides access to data and information that has been,
and continues to be, produced by the state’s scientific and
research community on how climate change might affect California
at the local level.
California Energy
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is the state’s primary
energy policy and planning agency.
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
(CalRecycle) brings together the state’s recycling and waste
management programs and continues a tradition of environmental
California Department of
Water Resources
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is responsible for
managing and protecting California’s water.
Green Building Standards Code
California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), Title 24,
Part 11.
Natural Resources
The mission of the Natural Resources Agency is to restore,
protect and manage the state’s natural, historical and cultural
resources using creative solutions based on science,
collaboration and respect for all the communities and interests.