With policy direction from the SCAG Community, Economic and Human
Development (CEHD) Policy Committee and working closely with the
Technical Working Group (TWG), the California Department of
Finance (DOF), subregions, local jurisdictions, CTCs, the public
and other major stakeholders, SCAG is responsible for producing
socio-economic estimates and projections at multiple geographic
levels and in multiple years.
SCAG develops, refines and maintains SCAG’s regional and small
area socio-economic forecasting/allocation models. The
socio-economic estimates and projections are used for federal and
state mandated long-range planning efforts such as the Regional
Transportation Plan /Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS),
the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP), the Federal
Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP), and the Regional
Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA).