

The SCAG Goods Movement Program strives to create, maintain, and provide information and tools that advance planning for freight in Southern California. Please use the resources below to access past regional freight studies, videos on goods movement in Southern California, an interactive map of the FreightWorks system, quarterly trade reports, and fact sheets.



As a critical link for international supply chains, and a vital center for domestic trade, Southern California delivers the goods.


Interactive Map

The SCAG region has identified a portfolio of goods movement projects estimated at nearly $60 billion that are critical to the economic growth and prosperity for the region and the nation.


Brochures and Fact Sheets

In Southern California, the movement of freight provides the goods and services needed to sustain regional and national industries and consumers on a daily basis. As part of the 2012 RTP/SCS, SCAG identified over $50 billion of needed investment in its regional goods movement system.