

Growth Forecasting

With policy direction from the SCAG Community, Economic and Human Development (CEHD) Policy Committee and working closely with the Technical Working Group (TWG), the California Department of Finance (DOF), subregions, local jurisdictions, CTCs, the public and other major stakeholders, SCAG is responsible for producing socio-economic estimates and projections at multiple geographic levels and in multiple years.


Regional Forecasting

The regional growth forecast represents the most likely growth scenario for the Southern California region in the future, taking into account a combination of recent and past trends, reasonable key technical assumptions, and regional growth policies. The regional growth forecast is the basis for developing the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). The regional growth forecast is completed through the collaboration among the various stakeholders.


Subarea Forecasting

SCAG develops socioeconomic estimates and growth projections including population, households, and employment for cities and transportation analysis zones in the SCAG region through enhanced forecasting methods and interactive public outreach. These estimates and projections provide the analytical foundations for SCAG’s transportation planning and other programs.