Aviation Technical Advisory Committee
The Aviation Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) is a quarterly regional forum for aviation professionals (e.g., airport planners, transportation agency officials, and academics) to share technical and professional expertise on regional aviation issues with SCAG. SCAG uses information and data provided by the ATAC to inform the aviation element of the Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, as well as other planning and research efforts. The ATAC shall not serve as a policy, legislative, or voting body; thus, meetings are not subject to the Brown Act.
Staff Contact
Scott Strelecki
Planning Supervisor
Mobility Planning and Goods Movement
SoCal Greenprint Technical Advisory Committee
The purpose of the SoCal Greenprint Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is to gather key stakeholder input to ensure that data provided through the SoCal Greenprint web-based application will be useful to targeted user groups for its intended purposes. SCAG staff will work to ensure the SoCal Greenprint tool aligns with advanced mitigation opportunities, fulfillment of the Connect SoCal 2020 Program Environmental Impact Report mitigation measures and the Connect SoCal’s policies, objectives and goals, and the Regional Advance Mitigation Planning (RAMP) Policy Framework adopted by SCAG’s Regional Council in February 2023.
As outlined in the RAMP Policy Framework, the TAC will advise and consult SCAG in the development of governance standards, user guidelines, data selection criteria, and data parameters to be used for establishment of the SoCal Greenprint tool and (as directed by the Regional Council’s February 2023 action approving formation of the TAC) suggestions of the TAC will be presented to the Regional Council and Energy & Environment Committee. The meetings of the TAC will be consistent with the Brown Act.
Staff Contact
India Brookover
(213) 236-1919
Highways To Boulevards Regional Study Project Advisory Committee
The “Highways to Boulevards Regional Study” will identify areas to remove, retrofit, or mitigate the negative impacts of highways and railways through highway-to-boulevard conversions, freeway caps, and railroad conversions. The study will create two project advisory committees to gather input from organizations in the region.
Modeling Task Force
The Modeling Task Force (MTF) coordinates SCAG’s various modeling programs and provides a forum to discuss data standards and share information and new ideas. Participation in the MTF is open to all interested parties including governmental staff, education-related individuals and groups, environmental organizations, business groups, and the general public. The MTF is not a legislative body of SCAG, so meetings of the MTF are not subject to the Brown Act.
Staff Contact
Ellen Jisu Lee
(213) 236-1867
Regional Planning Working Groups
The Regional Planning Working Groups (RPWG) function as a forum for SCAG staff to engage stakeholders in the development and implementation of plans and policies to advance the region’s mobility, economy, and sustainability. Areas of focus include: Safe and Active Streets; Equity; Natural and Farm Lands Conservation; and Sustainable and Resilient Communities.
A few notes regarding participation in the meetings:
- RPWG meetings are structured as open public forums for information sharing only.
- RPWG participants do not vote or take positions on any policy issues.
- SCAG staff organize and manage the meetings, with no formal chair or assigned roles for participants.
- Meetings are open to the public and may include participation from peer stakeholders and staff from state, regional, and local agencies, non-profit organizations, local universities, and the business community.
- RPWG meetings are held remotely (via video-conferencing/teleconferencing) through the development of Connect SoCal, the 2024 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). Changes to meeting format and schedule(s) will be further communicated through each working group when applicable.
- RPWG meetings will generally be held on the third Thursdays of the month. Specific dates and times are announced at the beginning of the month. Sign up to receive monthly RPWG emails.
Regional Transit Technical Advisory Committee
The Regional Transit Technical Advisory Committee (RTTAC), made up of representatives from the region’s transit operators, provides a forum for coordination of input in the development of the Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy and the Federal Transportation Improvement Program. Past RTTAC discussion topics have included funding programs, intelligent transportation systems, transit-oriented development, and performance measures. A list of upcoming meetings is available on the SCAG calendar.
Technical Working Group
The purpose of the Technical Working Group (TWG) for regional planning and growth is to enhance the quality, data integrity, and transparency of the Connect SoCal Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy. The TWG provides a venue for SCAG staff to discuss and receive feedback on growth-related technical approaches, data collection, and technical tools with local and regional planning partners, regulatory and coordinating agencies, and technical experts. The TWG shall not serve as a policy, legislative, or voting body; thus, meetings are not subject to the Brown Act.
View the Technical Working Group Charter
Staff Contact
Kevin Kane
(213) 236-1828
Transportation Conformity Working Group
The Transportation Conformity Working Group (TCWG) is a regional forum for interagency consultation and coordination to maintain transportation conformity and improve air quality in Southern California.
The TCWG meets monthly to facilitate inclusive transportation and air quality planning processes and to fulfill the interagency consultation requirements of Federal Transportation Conformity Regulations. The group helps resolve regional issues pertaining to transportation conformity and coordinates with the Statewide Transportation Conformity Working Group.
Membership of the TCWG includes federal (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration), state (California Air Resources Board, Caltrans), regional (air quality management districts, SCAG), and subregional (county transportation commissions) agencies and other stakeholders.
Staff Contact
Lijin Sun
(213) 236-1804