SCAG is home to an economic base that is among the world’s largest producers of goods and services. Regional economic activity depends on an extensive transportation system, highlighted by a sprawling network of seaports, airports, and thousands of miles of freeways, bridges and roads. The region is susceptible to natural disasters such as earthquakes and fires, in addition to potential targets for terrorist acts. In an emergency event or attack, the transportation system plays a critical role in evacuation and delivery of aid.
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA-LU) requires metropolitan planning agencies (MPOs) to incorporate emergency preparedness and security in regional transportation planning.
SCAG works with federal, state and local stakeholders to facilitate coordination and increase situational awareness for regional emergency preparedness and security. SCAG actively promotes the Southern California Regional ITS infrastructure as an important tool in improving the capability of government agencies to protect vital infrastructure and respond effectively to emergencies and disasters. Agencies that plan and develop their projects in accordance with the regional ITS Architecture ensure that individual projects can work together, enhancing the ability for agencies to coordinate response and preparedness by sharing information seamlessly. ITS elements of the transportation system can be leveraged for emergency response and preparedness activities.
As part of the 2008 RTP process, SCAG updated the 2004 Regional ITS Architecture to incorporate security elements. The security update to the architecture establishes a framework for deploying ITS to support emergency preparedness and response and protecting critical infrastructure. Planning and developing ITS projects in accordance to the regional architecture will help ensure that the project enables coordinated operations and information sharing among the many different agencies that respond to incidents, emergencies and threats.
To learn how the Southern California Regional ITS Architecture addresses emergency management and security services, view the information in the 2008 Southern California Regional ITS Architecture Update for Transportation Security report and the Security Supplement Turbo Architecture file.