Groundbreaking of Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center Marks Transformative Step for Regional Mobility and Sustainability

A group of groundbreaking attendees hold shovels to break ground at the site. Caltrans District 11 Director Ann Fox, SCAG Executive Director Kome Ajise, SCAG Regional Council Member Gil Rebollar (Brawley), Calipatria City Council Member and New SCAG Transportation Committee Member Javier Amezcua (Calipatria) and Brawley City Councilmember JJ Galvan celebrating the groundbreaking. SCAG Executive Director Kome Ajise delivers remarks at a podium outside the groundbreaking event.

The City of Calexico and Imperial County marked a major step toward improved mobility, safety, and sustainability for the region with the groundbreaking of the Calexico Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) on Feb. 28. When complete, the ITC will promote better mobility and economic revitalization for the region by bringing together public and private transportation providers into a centralized hub to streamline services and improve transportation. Regional collaboration and investment, including $1 million awarded by SCAG from the Regional Early Action Planning Grants of 2021 (REAP 2.0) program for property acquisition during a decade-long partnership on the project, has been instrumental in moving this project forward. 

The ITC advances key Connect SoCal 2024 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy Implementation Strategies by improving mobility, enhancing street safety, and expanding zero-emission travel options. By consolidating transportation services, the ITC will make it easier for residents to reach their destinations with fewer transfers, reduce travel times and costs, and improve access to jobs, schools, and essential services in a historically underserved community. Additionally, the ITC will strengthen economic development by improving transportation links to Calexico’s Downtown Business District, which will support local businesses and encourage more foot traffic in the area.  

The ITC exemplifies Connect SoCal 2024 priorities by demonstrating how infrastructure investments can drive economic growth and improve public transit to create a more sustainable future for Imperial County communities and the surrounding region. 

To learn more about how SCAG is advancing REAP 2.0 goals, visit SCAG’s REAP 2.0 website