Curb Space Management Study
With a general rise in vehicle ownership, disruptive technologies like Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) and dockless electric scooters, as well as e-commerce demands, curb space has become one of the most contested spaces in a city. Cities have been struggling with issues related to on- and off-street parking, congestion, and first-last mile connections, among others. Increased reliance on delivery services and the shifting of commercial activities to the sidewalk during COVID-19 have further highlighted the need to better manage curb uses.
SCAG has launched a Curb Space Management Study (CSMS) to take a comprehensive and multimodal review of some of the most congested and complicated curb space locations within the region. A clear need exists to assess policies, strategies, and infrastructure investments and their impacts on curb space activity, especially with the recent COVID-19 impacts, all being critical to the region and its localities. Benefits from this are looking to improve mobility, reduced congestion and vehicle miles traveled/vehicle hours traveled, and air quality improvements such as greenhouse gas emissions.
The study is a regional level collaborative effort divided into three parts:
- Engagement: Outreach, participation and engagement with local jurisdictions, other agencies, education institutes, private stakeholders, community-based organizations, and communities.
- Assessment: Understanding the needs of the region through multiple cities in terms of curb space.
- Policy & Strategies Consideration: Provide regional resources to support member agency curb space management interests/needs and insights on strategies related to curb space management.
CSMS Core Objectives
- To provide various strategies and recommendations for multiple cities within the SCAG region, and
- To similarly develop a work plan for multiple pilot project concepts and/or analysis plans for pilot projects currently underway.
CSMS Goals and Objectives For Consideration
- Reduce VMT/VHT and GHG emissions. There are multiple opportunities to reduce VMT/VHT and GHG emissions at the first- and last-mile level.
- Reduce congestion. By taking a comprehensive and multimodal approach within complicated curb space areas, the study will consider optimal strategies managing demand and reducing congestion.
- Promote a balanced transportation system by better understanding first- and last-mile relationships between TNCs and existing transit and active transportation systems.
- Establish key collaboration and partnerships with public agency and private sector stakeholders.
- Improve quality of life.
Study Updates and Resources
- Curb Space Management Fact Sheet
- Curb Space Management Study, June 2022
- SCP Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations
Virtual Workshops
- Los Angeles
Wednesday, Aug. 2, 9 – 10 a.m.
Intérpretes de español estarán presentes.
- Long Beach
Thursday, Aug. 3, 10 – 11 a.m.
Intérpretes de español estarán presentes.
Curb Space Data Collection & Inventory Study
With the rise of curbside eateries, food and grocery deliveries and electric vehicle parking, the demand for effective curb space management has never been higher. Working with the cities of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Stanton, the Curb Space Data Collection and Inventory Study (CSDI) builds upon the tools developed as part of the CSMS, diving deeper into how the curb space can be managed. The evolution of urban curb space is just beginning, and each city is in a different stage, on a different journey. This study will engage stakeholders, collect data, and analyze activity at the curb to identify action items and recommend tailor-made pilot projects for each community’s needs and wants. This study is part of SCAG’s Sustainable Communities Program and Smart Cities & Mobility Innovations call.
View the CSDI Fact Sheet.
Scott Strelecki, Project Manager II
Prithvi Deore, Assistant Regional Planner