Designing and Building Mobility Hubs

Toolbox Tuesday


Join SCAG for a Toolbox Tuesday focused on mobility hubs. Mobility hubs integrate multiple transportation options in one location to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled and improve accessibility for all. Hear speakers from agencies and localities share their experiences in developing mobility hubs, including their funding plans, community engagement activities, strategies for technology integration, plans for ongoing maintenance and operations, and more. Plus, be the first to access SCAG’s new “Mobility Hub Design and Implementation Guide,” which provides practical guidance for local jurisdictions. 

SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommodation to participate in this meeting. SCAG is also committed to helping people with limited proficiency in the English language access the agency’s essential public information and services. You can request such assistance by calling (213) 630-1410. We request at least 72 hours (three days) notice to provide reasonable accommodations and will make every effort to arrange for assistance as soon as possible.